Frozen Yogurt Tubes

We are very excited to be able to provide students with Yoplait Yogurt Tubes during both nutrition breaks starting Tuesday November 24th.  The yogurt tubes will be frozen and will be available in the following flavours: strawberry, raspberry, cherry and grape.  The cost will be 50 cents per yogurt tube.  Students can purchase the yogurt […]

Community Resource Officer

We are very pleased to welcome our new Community Resource Officer to JMA. Cst. Paul Rabidoux will be visiting us approximately 2 times per month to walk through the school, speak to students, run workshops etc.

Student Safety at Dismissal Time

Instructional time is from 8:55 am until 3:15 pm and students are engaged in a variety of learning opportunities during this time.  Teachers may choose to take students outside (gym classes, Kindergarten outdoor learning, etc).  It is important that teachers be able to supervise their students so we are asking that parents not enter the […]

Milk/Juice Order 2015/2016

Please click on the blue title above. prepaid order form   Good nutrition plays an important role in a child’s readiness to learn.  It is our hope that by offering milk/juice to our students to augment their nutritious snacks from home, it will help them concentrate, have more energy and get the most out of […]

Ryan’s Law

As you may be aware, Ryan’s Law 2015 was recently passed by the Ontario Legislature.  This piece of legislation is an important step to support the well-being of students with asthma in Ontario schools. Over the course of the next school year, the Waterloo Region District School Board will be working to implement the requirements […]

Registration for After School Program 2015-2016

Click on blue link above.  See attachment below regarding registration for After School Program for 2015-2016. After School Letter

John Mahood has started Tweeting!

John Mahood has started tweeting. You don’t need an account just go to or check out the school website regularly.  

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