Important information for families regarding opioid-related drug overdoses and deaths

This information is shared in cooperation with Region of Waterloo Public Health, Waterloo Regional Police Service, and the Waterloo Catholic District School Board. Dear Parents and Caregivers, Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Parenting your child/children is the most important job you will ever experience. As parents and caregivers, it is […]

John Mahood’s Canada 150 photo

Thanks to Mrs. McBay and members of the Woolwich Fire Department for helping us take an aerial photo of our staff and students making the number “150” on our playground.  Happy birthday, Canada, from John Mahood!  Watch the Woolwich Observer for more pictures.

WRDSB email addresses to change August 21

We are excited to announce that the Waterloo Region District School Board is moving its email and calendar platform to Google. Many staff and students are already using G Suite tools on a daily basis. In fact, WRDSB has more than 40,000 users of G Suite in our district today.

As part of this change on Aug. 21, 2017, we will also make our email addresses a lot easier and more intuitive for people. When the switch to Gmail happens, all WRDSB email addresses will switch to end with, just like our website.

Read more about WRDSB email addresses to change August 21 »

Parent resources for summer reading

The Ontario Library Association has put together a fun summer reading toolkit for all ages to help students combat academic “summer slide.” The toolkit provides lists of reading programs and engaging reading lists to inspire student summer reading. There is also a quiz for parents to help them determine which summer reading program is most […]

Summertime sun safety

Warm weather has finally arrived in Waterloo region and with it comes a reminder on sun safety. We believe in promoting sun safety through education and working with our community partners, such as Public Health. Creating shaded spaces in our school yards and play areas is a key component of our Sun Safety and Shading […]

Parent resources for Pride conversations

For the month of June, all WRDSB schools and the education centre are flying the Pride flag. Below are some frequently asked questions and resources to help guide conversations for parents and caregivers. Why is my child’s school flying the Pride flag? The month of June is Pride month. Many of our students, staff, parents/guardians […]

Summer Activities for Students in Elmira

As options are sent to us, we will attach them to this post.  Hope this helps families find great options for students!  Here is the Elmira Sports Camp – 2017 Flyer

Staff thank School Council for Breakfast

John Mahood staff would like to thank School Council for the generous breakfast provided on Friday.  This delicious recognition was much appreciated.

Have your say in the 2017-18 school year budget

How can you give input? Appear as a delegation on June 14, 2017, at the Special Committee of the Whole Meeting. If you would like to appear as a delegation, you must register with the Manager of Corporate Services by noon on Wednesday, June 14. Delegations must relate to budget matters only. More information on delegation […]

Board appoints new Cambridge trustee

At a special meeting of the board tonight, Waterloo Region District School Board trustees chose Courtney Waterfall, a Cambridge resident, as its newest member.

Trustees voted Waterfall to office as trustee for Cambridge and North Dumfries after Trustee Andrea Mitchell retired in March. Trustee Waterfall will serve on the board until the end of the current board term in 2018.

Read more about Board appoints new Cambridge trustee »

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